Morgan HSS intends to offer the necessary training for the NVQ L2 and NVQ L3 in Fire Sprinkler Installation during August 2023. Please get in touch with us and we will explain how we can assist individuals and businesses to get the training to retraining they you need as we move from a semi-skilled to a certified and competent workforce.
A career path is just that – a journey, rather than a single one-time decision. Every career path has milestones along the way. When you choose a career path, you position yourself to look far into the future at your ultimate objectives and identify positions you want to hold and income levels you want to achieve. will help individuals and business identify the various career options that are available to them. We will illustrate the knowledge and skills people need to equip themselves for different roles. This helps individuals and clients to identify any gaps in the skills, knowledge, qualifications, or experience base and help them plan their development in order to acquire them.
Whether it is your first foray into the job market, you are an experienced worker or a senior manager nearing your final position before retirement, we will help point you in the right direction and deliver the training necessary for you to achieve your individual or collective goals. Having long-term goals in place will help you stay focused on your ultimate career objectives, rather than moving aimlessly from job to job.
Level 2 certificate in fire sprinkler installation – training and experience with employer
This qualification is approved for learners 18 and above. There are no formal entry requirements although learners must be able to work at heights.
Assessment for all units in this qualification is through a portfolio of evidence (internally set and marked and quality assured by a robust independent system) which demonstrates the learner’s knowledge and understanding or consistent performance in the workplace as indicated in the unit specifications
craft or skilled operative: / fitter / advanced fitter / supervisor or foreman – l3 fire sprinkler installation qualification (to be developed, expected summer 2023)